The Integration of Deep Learning and Machine Learning for Enhanced Social Media Analytics


  • Laura Fernanda Malagón Navarro Law graduate, specialist, and researcher in social media and content marketing, San Buenaventura University, Bogotá, Colombia. Author


algorithmic bias, data privacy, deep learning, explainable AI, machine learning, social media analytics, unstructured data


Social media platforms are a dominant force in generating vast volumes of unstructured data, creating unprecedented opportunities and challenges in analytics. Traditional tools struggle with the sheer scale, diversity, and velocity of social media data. The emergence of machine learning (ML) and deep learning (DL) has revolutionized the field, providing sophisticated methods for deriving insights into user sentiment, community dynamics, and behavior. This paper explores the roles of ML and DL in social media analytics (SMA), detailing their applications in sentiment analysis, social network analysis, recommendation systems, and fake news detection. It also examines critical challenges such as data privacy, algorithmic bias, and scalability. Finally, future directions, including hybrid models and explainable AI (XAI), are discussed, emphasizing the importance of interdisciplinary approaches to addressing complex societal and technical issues.


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How to Cite

The Integration of Deep Learning and Machine Learning for Enhanced Social Media Analytics. (2024). Nuvern Machine Learning Reviews , 1(1), 11-21.